jeudi 25 juin 2015

Free Music Play - MP3 Musi? Player für Youtube Lieder kostenlos - Eu Van

Download Free Music Play - MP3 Musi? Player für Youtube Lieder kostenlos - Eu Van

The biggest collection of free music for your iPhone!
Search, play YouTube songs & stream music clips.
Only top quality sound, no account needed.

Turn YouTube into the best music service with Free iMusic Play! Any songs, albums, clips - free, without limits & legally!

What you get:
- Prompt music search by song title, artist, genre.
- Unlimited playback of YouTube songs & music videos.
- Only pure sound & lossless audio tracks.
- Great variety of ready playlists.
- All possible hashtags support (#rock, #epic, #french, etc.).
- Personal collection of your favorite tracks in the app.
- Fast access to top music charts (#Top100, #BestOf10Years, #trend).
- Ongoing songs playback in the background.
- Voice-powered music search via Siri.
- Wi-Fi and 3G/4G/LTE cellular data support.


Requires iOS 7 or higher.
iOS 6 not supported.
Compatible with iPhone 4/4S/5/5S/5C/6/6 Plus, iPod 5.
Requires stable Internet connection.

© © Eu Van

Free Music Play - MP3 Musi? Player für Youtube Lieder kostenlos - Eu Van

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